
My name is Delphine de Syon,

This program I offer is adapted from twelve years of journeying into self-healing so far. It is a unique combination, made available to help you create your own loving and safe journey 'home'. Be sure of one thing: YOU ARE THE HEALER. 

I am just here to assist you in the process until you don't need me anymore.

With faith in you, 

Delphine de Syon 

 Each of those stages will be used in an intertwined manner and in full adaptation to you as we journey together.



Long-lasting foundations through continuous compassion.


** Be the observer **

Take a step back. Dive deep into your day-to-day life by observing, noticing and acknowledging your every thoughts and actions. Discern the true origins of the thoughts you entertain, either about you or the world around you. Learn slowly but surely how to come back to a neutral space

** Heart healing **

Together, we will love, grieve, soothe and confort your heart, using times of silence, sometimes going back into the past up to points of origin. That healing will take effect in the present, bringing your whole nervous system back to peace. You will learn to read and listen to your body' signals as they will teach you how to love yourself. As we tirelessly listen, see and heal, we bring you back, for most of you for the first time, to love and safety.

**  Heart Anchoring **

All along, we anchor new caring and relaxing habits. As you  understand how to listen to and heal your heart, either with me during the sessions or on your own in between, you start to do completely different choices, creating a brand new path for you.



The willingness to abide where you aredifferently.



As you start to understand that you are free at all time and the very creator of everything you experience in your life, you take a decision : do whatever it takes to eradicate every misperception, every limited belief you have ever learned about anyone or anything – especially yourself


In a process called Radical Honesty, we unearth and face "uncomfortable" feelings, experiencing the deep love we have for ourselves in all our dimensions. It will be a challenging yet pivotal time as you will learn to love YOU in your every facets, doing your first steps into unconditional love.


By attuning your mind, emotions and entire nervous system to resonate with this new Peaceful presence, you settle down and start to experience what you've always been – a field of loving awareness. Strengthened by this new, yet still foreign certainty, you begin to love yourself unlimitedly, transforming your entire external world, mirroring unlimited love back to you. 



Complete surrendering.


** RELAX  **

Letting go is now your cornerstone. You relax and refocus before any action or decision, you choose peace and act from this inner space only. You learn how to return and maintain a physically relaxed state and always make it a priority.

** FOCUS **

 You allow your body and your mind to become a channel, your own personal channel, through which you receive guidance every step of the way. Your body is your main ally, the one element reflecting to you what is actually going on in your field of creation. You know how to let go, re-focus, center your attention neutrally or on a designed goal.


You feel, breathe, move in full knowledge of what you are. You trust that your higher self will always guide you, secure you, hold you. You Love yourself unlimitedly, having understood and experienced at this stage that you are loved unlimitedly back. 

You live that truth fully. 

Welcome (back) Home...

Where are you located?

Based in Mallorca, Spain and London, Uk, I am mostly available online. I also operate from anywhere in the world during retreats or on-demand personal coaching sessions.

What is it about?

This transformational journey is all about YOU,  your desire to live a life  where Love is your only compass, your desire to be the authentic, energetic and peaceful you.

What are your rates?

10% of the unforeseeable abundance (of any shape or form) coming your way during the period of time we engage together in your healing. 

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